Useful for
Nonprofits Which:
Offered by:
Building Board Fundraising Leadership Discussion and assessment of current Board fundraising and contributing efforts. Consultant will share specific examples of high-performing fundraising boards. $1,000

• On-site meeting with Executive Director, then with Board Chair, then both together.

• One-page document on Board fundraising.

• Plan for recruiting additional Board members, if needed.

• Follow-up phone consultation with both Executive Director and the Chair when needed.

Want to improve Board fundraising. This can be helpful for any agency, but especially for those where the staff does almost all the fundraising. David Hindie
Assessment & Development Planning for the Board of Directors Assessment of the current functioning of the Board, its oversight of and support to the organization, and its internal processes. $250

• 2 hour meeting with Board leadership and/or Executive Director.

• Action outline for immediate steps.

Want to improve Board functioning.

Rona Kluger

Lloyd Oxford

How to Create a More Effective Action Plan Consultant will assist staff or volunteers to develop action plans – primarily for fundraising programs. This will be done through a series of two meetings, at which a written action pan will be prepared. $500
plus out-
of-pocket expenses

• Three 2-hour planning sessions.

• Consultation by phone or e-mail.

• Written action plan

• Outcomes: 1) If plan relates to fund raising -- substantially increased fund raising revenue; 2) If plan relates to other programs – objectives will be achieved with much greater economy of action.

1) any organization seeking to organize itself to more effectively achieve specific objectives;

2) organizations seeking to better focus their resources.

Michael Evers

Lloyd Oxford

Solving Problems with a Board of Directors

Examination of:

• Board formation and membership.

• Board by-laws.

• Current Board’s role.

• Expectation of what Board members will do

• Plan for recruiting and activating members.


• On-site meeting with ED and relevant staff.

• On-site meeting with relevant Board members.

• Biographical research (to identify potential members).

• Written report and recommendations for activating Board.

• Will result in shorter meetings at which more, better decisions get made.

Need to overhaul Board membership and/or functioning. Joan Swan
Executive Director or Development Director Coaching Session allows client to share frustrations, receive feedback, and brainstorm with consultant on strategies for dealing with work challenges and continuing to improve performance. $500
face) or

• On-site visit of up to 3 hours.

• One follow-up phone consult for in-person visits.

• Telephone call for up to 2 hours.

For organizations whose Executive Director, Development Director, or other managers are in need of confidential listening, team support, and experienced advice. David Hindie
Transition Management Counseling Provide specific interim management guidance and counseling. $500+ to be determined in conjunction with Board of Directors.

• 3 hour on-site meeting with executive board.

• Recommendations report.

Any organization that is interested in ensuring optimum continuity & stability of organization until permanent Executive Director is appointed. Lloyd Oxford
How to Talk to Grantmakers Coaching on how to talk to grantmakers to find out whether they would consider funding your program. $100

• One-minute "elevator" speech about the client agency and the project.

• Sample script to be used in calling funders.

  Susan Caruso Green
How to Run More Effective Meetings

Consultant will advise executive directors or board chairpersons on how to increase their effectiveness in facilitating meetings. This will involve:

1) silent observation of an actual meeting at the organization;

2) helping the individual prepare their next meeting with an eye to conducting it more effectively;

3) attend the second meeting as a “stand-by facilitator”;

4) brief “post meeting” review.

$500 plus
reimbursement forout-of-pocket expenses.

• Silent observation of an actual meeting at the client’s site.

• Coaching the individual client in preparation for a second meeting.

• Attendance at a second meeting as a “stand-by facilitator.”

• Outcome: Shorter, more decisive meetings that individuals look forward to attending.

Organizations that feel their meetings – especially board meetings – are overly long, overly indecisive or less organized than they would like.

Paula Tarlow

Michael Evers

Major Gift Solicitation Training Consultant will train volunteers and key staff in the art of personal, face-to-face solicitation of gifts, including large gifts. Versions of this training session have been provided at professional development conferences – at the request of fund raising professionals. $450+
pocket expenses.

• 1-2 hour training session.

• Outcome: Increased effectiveness and confidence for fundraising volunteers.

Any organization interested in improving their personal gift solicitation skills and increasing funds raised from individual donors.

Michael Evers

Linda Hartley

Before You Start a Capital Campaign

Workshop for Board members and senior staff on:

1) readiness for a capital campaign,

2) preparing a feasibility study/campaign strategy and

3) attracting active campaign leadership.


• 30-min. preparatory conversation with E.D. or board president.

• 3- hour on-site workshop.

• Report evaluating agency’s potential and suggesting next steps, alternative strategies.

Are considering a Capital Project, but are not yet well into its implementation.

Note: Will NOT produce a blueprint for a capital campaign.

Michael Evers

Joan Swan

Paula Tarlow

Major Gift Program Facilitation Consultant will help organizations to facilitate a major gift program involving personal solicitation of peers – including large gifts – by existing fund raising committees. This program assumes that the organization has an existing list of prospective supporters, existing literature and a committee volunteer solicitors. This will involve facilitation of four meetings. The first will involve the creation of a plan of action, rating of prospects, development of general cultivation strategies. During the second, volunteers and key staff will be trained in personal solicitation techniques. The remaining two meetings will be report meetings, at which campaign progress will be reviewed. Phone support will be available between meetings. $1,000
plus out-of-
pocket expenses.

• Consultant will facilitate four 1-2 hour meetings:
1.Planning the campaign.
2.Training volunteers and key staff.
3& 4. Review campaign progress .
Phone support will be available between meetings.

• Outcome: substantially higher income.

Is interested in improving its personal gift solicitation capabilities. Michael Evers
Budgeting for Fundraising

Examination of:

• Recent fundraising results.

• Goals for future fundraising.

• Sources of current income.

• Level of current investment in fundraising – current budget for fund development

• Level of future investment in fundraising needed to meet goals – will help you develop a fund development budget.


• On-site meeting with ED and/or relevant staff.

• Follow-up written recommendation to Board to accompany the draft budget that is created.

Have no fund development budget or feel they are underinvested in fund development. Especially useful for those organizations whose Boards are reluctant to invest in fundraising without some outside expert opinion.

David Hindie

Paula Tarlow

Lloyd Oxford

Grant Proposal Writing Strategy Review

Onsite session to:

• Review how the agency currently identifies and selects funding opportunities.

• Evaluate the quality of agency’s recently submitted applications.

• Develop strategy for increasing funding.

• Optional additional service: Fundraising training for staff and Board.

$750 or






$400 more.

• One half-day onsite meeting with client.

• Brief written report.

• One follow-up phone consultation.

• On-site fundraising training for staff and Board

• Writing workshop.

Get much of their budget from grants, but have limited skills in securing those grants.

Are NOT startups or agencies with very limited grant experience.

Note: Recommendations may be for Prospect research, Training, Outside resources, or Internal Improvements.

Caroline Harris

David Hindie

Nora Lapin

Jeffrey Lischin

Meg Riley

Joan Swan

Paula Tarlow

Optional service:
Joan Swan

Jeffrey Lischin

Foundation or Corporate Grant Proposal Application for a specific foundation grant . $800 to $1,500 • One complete application with all attachments.

Are new to foundation fundraising.

Have basic documents such as program descriptions, budgets.

Note: Price determined by complexity of proposal.

Caroline Harris

Rona Kluger

Nora Lapin

Jeffrey Lischin

Lloyd Oxford

Paula Tarlow

RFP (Request for Proposals) Review


Reading an RFP and helping an agency decide whether to apply for it. $200

• Written summary of key RFP requirements.

• 2-hour meeting with agency to compare their capacity to the requirements.

Are considering applying for a government RFP, but don’t know if they are eligible or if it’s worth the effort.

Note: Does NOT produce an actual proposal.

Caroline Harris

Meg Riley

Debbie Stinson

RFP Outline or Proposal Editing Creating an outline for a proposal for funding, or editing an existing proposal. $1,000 • Full outline of a proposal or edited version of an existing proposal. Have staff who can write a proposal, but are not experienced with government RFPs.

Caroline Harris

Lisa Kok

Nora Lapin

Jeffrey Lischin

Paula Tarlow

Foundation Proposal Review Review of one foundation grant proposal already completed by your organization. $300

• Revised version with minor changes.

• Recommendations for major changes and/or additions.

Have not yet submitted a proposal.

Have unsuccessfully submitted a proposal.

Caroline Harris

Jeffrey Lischin

Meg Riley

Debbie Stinson

Paula Tarlow

Lisa Kok

Proposal Preparation Notebook

• Organizes documents and baseline program data to speed future proposal writing.

• Optional draft program narrative.


$250 more.

Notebook with:

• Key documents.

• Locations for electronic versions.

• Baseline program facts & narratives.

Draft program narrative for one program if needed.

Have little or no grant writing experience and no development staff.

Note: Does NOT result in a finished proposal for a specific funder.

Lisa Kok

Barbara Lawrence

Paula Tarlow

Direct Mail Package Consultant will develop and supervise production of a direct mail package for use with a specific audience, (i.e., cold prospects, current donors, LYBUNTS, lapsed donors, etc. Consultants will also provide post mailing analysis. ) $1,000 plus reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses. (Note: does not include
the cost of mailing.

• Request letter.

• Design of mailing package.

• Advice on buying or using an existing mailing list.

• Follow-up analysis after the mailing of the package.

• Outcome: net income or increase in number of donors, depending upon the mailing.

Are not successfully raising funds through direct mail.

Note: Price does not include the cost of producing package contents, mailing, and postage.

Michael Evers
Organizational Development Session Review major agency procedures to identify where and how to make improvements. $500

• One half-day on-site meeting with executive staff.

• Brief written report.

• One follow-up phone consultation.

Any agency can benefit.

Rona Kluger

Lloyd Oxford

Grantmaker Search

Level 1: Preliminary search using Foundation Center Platinum Online Service.

Level 2: Review of grant guidelines for funders selected in Level 1.



• Level 1: Report listing potential funders with contact information and major specifications.

• Level 2: Report narrowing down funders to best choices, with additional details.

Are considering a new project.

Need new sources of grant support.

Susan Caruso Green

Caroline Harris

Rona Kluger

Barbara Lawrence

Meg Riley

Needs Assessment Develop a needs assessment for a specific program or the agency. $100
per page
• Written 2- to 5-page needs assessment, general or answering specific questions. Don’t have time or skills for demographic research. Barbara Lawrence
Evaluation Plan Develop an evaluation plan for a specific project. $300

• 2-hour on-site meeting with staff.

• Written plan for an evaluation.

Lack time or skills for evaluation planning.

Rona Kluger

Lisa Kok

Debbie Stinson

Seminar on Outcome Measurement

Level 1:

• Introduction to concepts used by United Way and others.

• Clarifies what funders want.

• Gives a conceptual framework for an agency’s measurement systems.

Level 2: same as above plus:

• Hands on practice.

• Application of methods to client’s agency.







• Level 1. 2 hour on-site session with consultant as facilitator.

• Level 2: 4- hour session on client’s site.

• Consultant will facilitate hands-on practice time.

Are starting to seek government or major foundation funding; or

Do not yet have systems to measure organizational results.

NOT for current Federal funding recipients, or clients used to working with logic models.

Paula Tarlow

Jeffrey Lischin

Survey Plan Develop a plan for administering a survey and evaluating its results. $250

• 1-hour on-site meeting.

• Written outline for questionnaire contents, schedule, steps, recruiting respondents, processing results.

Are conducting a evaluation or a needs assessment, or

Are seeking client feedback.

Note: Does NOT produce an actual questionnaire

Lisa Kok

Barbara Lawrence

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